Kayak / Boat Slips

Kayak Racks

Pine Whiff Beach maintains 12 kayak racks located at Beach One. Racks are available for rent to active members of the association for a fee of $30 per year. Those with rack positions from the prior year maintain first right of refusal for the next year, provided membership fees and kayak rack rental fees are paid in full by the June community meeting. Those who haven’t paid the fees by the June community meeting forfeit their position to the next person on the waiting list and are responsible for removing their kayaks.

Boat Slips

Pine Whiff Beach maintains 4 boat slips located at Beach Three. Slips are available for rent to active members of the association for a fee of $200 per year. Those with slip positions from the prior year maintain first right of refusal for the next year, provided membership fees and boat slip rental fees are paid in full by the June community meeting. Those who haven’t paid the fees by the June community meeting forfeit their position to the next person on the waiting list and are responsible for removing their boats from the slips.

Once reconstruction of the pier at Beach One is completed, Pine Whiff Beach will establish additional boat slips available for rent by association members.